We've been home since about 6:00 Friday night. Pain med Friday night did not work so well. Even though he ha been taking it okay in the hospital, he gagged, choked and puked. So that led to the first sponge bath and a good hair washing. On the positive side of it, he really needed his hair scrubbed. I'm grateful that we have a good size area of countertop next to the sink and the faucet is also a sprayer.
Friday night was a fairly good night. He did wake up once saying he hurt. Instead of trying to give him the 5.5ml pain med, I opted for the .5ml narcotic; thinking that it might also be part muscle spasms. That didn't go over great, but no puking in the bed!
Saturday led to another gag, choke and puke incident when he was given the colace. On the brighter side if that one, he did finally poop, so no more need for the colace! But boy is it an adventure to try to balance him on the toilet to poop. The alternatives to that (bedpan or diaper) make it a chore worth figuring out.
Last night he was quite restless. However I don't know if he was actually in pain, or just uncomfortable because he couldn't position himself. Every time he woke me up, I looked over to find he was still sleeping. I didn't evert give him any medicine. I just kind I shifted him a little.
He has been pretty lucky when it comes to itchiness. The only area he really says itches is where the incision is. And even then he doesn't says it bothers him very often.
I'm learning new ways to get him in different positions. He can sit on my lap if he straddles my leg. He can sit in his small recliner fairly upright. He can also sit on the couch thanks to some creative thinking. All good ways to get him off his back.
As I suspected the boredom of not being to move on his own is going to be his biggest obstacle. He was a little crazy Fridya night and Saturday. We've watched Planes twice today (guess Santa will have to bring that for Christmas). Thankful that he received some iTunes gift cards as gifts at his NBC party. They are definitely going to come in handy for new apps and things to watch.
Going out is going to be a bit more complicated than I hoped. The wheelchair is too heavy for me to lift into Grandpa's black box - that's what I call his Scion ;-) I am guessing the wagon or stroller might be a Bette choice. I'm hoping he fits in the stroller because I think that's going to be the easiest/best choice. I can recline it; it had buckles and a place to hold our coats, bag and purse.
I hate the harness for riding in he car. I know they assured me it was safe, but it scares me that he's laying in the back seat and is not in a car seat. Guess no vacation road trips for us right now - lol
Looking at his eyes, it looks like it might be about time for a nap. Time to get him settled back on the couch.
Thanks for all your support. But most of all thanks for keeping Jack in your thoughts and prayers.